周鸿猷    2017-08-30 17:43:46




原文标题:Vanity is Good: A Hierarchy of Social Drivers




Vanity & Social Networks  虚荣&社交网络

 Vanity [noun]: to care about the perception of one’s self. An effort to promote one’s self or have pride in one’s achievements or appearance. 



We don’t talk about vanity within product strategy, but I’ll argue that it’s fundamental to the success of social networks. How fundamental?



Vanity is the single most powerful driver for building a consumer social network. 


Dominant social platforms become so because they leverage human vanity within core product loops.



Social-1.0 introduced us to vanity distribution, posting updates about our personal lives, loved ones, and achievements. One-click vanity features reinforced these posts with likes, views, follows, retweets, and comments — making for a positive community experience.



Hierarchy of Social Drivers社交层级化的驱动力

All social networks are not created equal; neither are the underlying motivators that propel them. There’s a hierarchy for what drives and grows a powerful human network. The higher you are within the hierarchy, the stronger the glue bonding the network.

The drivers are: (1) utility & tools, (2) content & media, (3) community, and (4) vanity.


没有任何一个社交网络是公平的;而背后推进着社交网络发展的潜在因素也不尽相同。下图展示了一个强大社交网络所具备的层级化驱动力。在层级中越高的驱动力,与社交网络本身的绑定程度越强;这四个层级的驱动力分别是: (1) 实用工具 (2) 内容与媒体 (3) 社区 (4) 虚荣心.



Networks based on lower level motivators, such as ‘utility,’ can more easily become commoditized and displaced. The further up the scale you go, the more difficult the underlying network is to replicate; the platform’s strength become an intangible “feeling,” not a clonable feature.

Platforms that feed a person’s vanity, within communities they care about, become irreplaceable within the lives of their users.




Vanity as a Product Strategy 把虚荣心作为产品策略

What’s different about our current position within social network history?



Young folks still care about utilities, content/media, and community, which traditionally initiated social networks in Social-1.0. The key distinction now is that young people only care about these things insomuch as it helps them to promote themselves. The greater the resulting sense of local celebrity, the greater their affection for the platform.



Basic media, video/photo distribution ‘tools’, in and of themselves, no longer make for interesting standalone products. Media sharing utility has been commoditized and eaten up by Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.


Takeaway: When building product loops, ask: does this improve on and increase an average person’s sense of personal celebrity?



 Case-1: Rise of The Lip-Syncing Music Video App





Sharing music and video clips was a Social-1.0 driver. Dub and music video lip-syncing apps have simply layered on the power of vanity to surface new demand.

Now the music video clip becomes about the users, more so than the song, as if to say, “this song is cool; but look at ME, I’m the star.”

Young people are motivated to share media insomuch as it helps them to promote themselves. Enhancing local celebrity is the backbone of Flipagram and Musical.ly, who clearly lead the category.



现在音乐视频剪辑类应用越来变得以用户为核心,而并非以歌曲为核心,就好像在对外传达着一个声音:“ 这首歌最近很火很牛逼是吧? 来看看我录的视频,宝宝也唱得不赖呦,宝宝就是这个平台上的大明星,还不来点赞打赏走一波小礼物?”



Case-2: Vanity as Distributor of Ideas




Vanity is not just for kids; it’s even embedded in the intellectual corners of social media, e.g., Twitter.

If Twitter’s intellectual content unit is the “the idea” (yours or someone else’s via tweet or retweet), vanity is the motivating distribution mechanism. The champion of the idea seeks affirmation; promoters of the idea seek association.

虚荣心不仅仅是孩子追求的东西; 它甚至已经嵌入在更知性,更专业的社交网络中了,例如Twitter。(国内的知识问答平台都有类似属性,知乎,分答等)




Case-3: Good through Vanity




A mechanism of vanity loops can be fun toys or it can be focused on specific communities for a targeted social impact. PumpUp uses vanity to reinforce a health & wellness support community, the results of which are quite inspiring.

PumpUp 利用虚荣心来组织了一个关于健康,健身的社群,结果也十分令人振奋;这点国内做的比较有代表性的就是Keep,有的人喜欢享受那种分享自己大汗淋漓照片的满足,有的人喜欢在懒惰时看看别人的分享迈开双腿的激励,有的人是为了避免朋友们看见自己的分享间断了而嘲笑自己没有耐性;无论是哪一种都是的在虚荣心的作用机制下,让某种事物变得有趣,进而帮助用户本身实现一些既定目标。



The White Space 空白的领域


Facebook: The Sleeping Giant





There’s a struggle within Facebook that’s opened the door for vanity driven apps. Users on Facebook are posting less and less about themselves and their personal lives. Vanity has plummeted.

Sharing of personal stories (rather than public info posts, e.g., news articles) dropped 21% year over year, as of mid-2015.

Facebook is maturing into a media distribution & content platform propelled by its success as a revenue machine. The compromise comes at the expense of personal vanity and connections.

Prioritizing vanity posts (over media) would dilute Facebook’s total available advertising impressions. Personal posts produce significantly fewer ad impressions.

This year’s F8 hardly touched on personal relationships. F8 announcements focused on pro video, native publishers, businesses, and bots.








Snapchat: The Benefactor




Snapchat is not only eating Facebook’s personal content, it’s increasing people’s comfort & frequency with sharing vanity, thereby creating an even larger opportunity for itself.

Not long ago, recording videos throughout the day of yourself, alone, talking to your phone (as if hosting a live show), would’ve been absurd behavior. Not today. Thanks to Snapchat, previously dark corners of vanity have illuminated and our personal connections might be better for it.




Takeaway: gain from Facebook’s compromises. Study who and what incumbents neglects.


Evolving Social Zeitgeist = Opportunity



Rising social platforms figure out how to leverage vanity in creative new ways, exploiting trends in popular culture and social norms.



The line defining “socially acceptable” vanity is dynamic, historically evolving in favor of increased liberal acceptance and adoption.

It’s fun to look at how the line of acceptable vanity has changed over the past 15 years on social.




The graph below is an example of newly acceptable vanity posts and the championing social platform:





Takeaway: Changes in platforms & societal norms create opportunities for entrepreneurs.



Key Takeaways: 

  • Move up Limon’s Hierarchy of Social Drivers 
  • Innovate on how to leverage vanity within the bounds of your unique product and community.
  • Take advantage of white space as incumbents mature and shift positions.
  • Societal norms are in constant evolution, creating a river of new opportunities.


  • 提出Limon的社会驱动力层次理论
  • 如何在您的独特产品和社区中创新性地利用虚荣心。
  • 在空白的领域内从不断成长的参与者与角色转变者身上获利。
  • 社会规范不断发展,创造了新的机遇之河。



